EPMS - Agoda Direct Connection Operation Manual

花小猪发表于:2019年01月28日 16:48:46更新于:2019年04月23日 18:33:18

一.What preparations should I make before connecting directly?

Agoda supports the direct connection of all domestic and overseas stores. However, according to Agoda's direct connection regulations, hotel merchants can only conduct direct connection operations after establishing offline cooperation with Agoda, and online hotels, room types and products, so we are The preparation phase provides you with an operating guide for authorizing direct connections. In addition, the hotel has been directly connected to Agoda through other CMs. To apply for unbinding with Agoda hotel staff, you can connect directly to overseas hotels. Email: bd-connectivity@agoda.com.

(一)  Hotels that have not established offline cooperation with Agoda

The hotel is located at https://www.agoda.com and registered to join the hotel. first step:


Second step:


Third step: fill in the hotel basic information to complete the registration


Upon completion of registration, you will receive an Agoda email waiting for the Agoda local business contact store to provide YCS (Agoda background account password)


Step 4: Create room type and product information in the YCS background


After you have prepared the above information, you can go to the PMS system to operate the direct connection application~

(2) Information to be improved offline

1. Guarantee cancellation rules, booking rules, check-in rules, API transfer is not supported, and hotels need to be maintained by YCS if they need it;

2. Surcharges, such as cleaning services, city taxes, gala dinners, etc., are subject to YCS maintenance if required.

3. The hotel details include the hotel room type pictures, facilities and other information.

二.PMS system direct connection settings

(一)(1) Apply for Agoda direct access

Offline and the Group's product operation application directly connected (guarantee that the other CM manufacturers have not connected to Agoda, if you have to apply for the direct connection of CM directly at Agoda), the Group's product operation will be directly connected with Agoda, and the hotel will be notified after the authority increases. The hotel can add new channels to the CM.

(二)CM new channel

Click AGODA to add a new channel → fill in the hotel ID → basic commission 0 (Agoda pays prepaid products only support the selling price mode, so the basic commission is 0) → display priority → submit, after the successful submission, the words “verification successful” will be displayed. Indicates that the link is successful and returns to the direct connection configuration interface. You can see that Agoda has been added.




(三)Room type matching

After completing the hotel matching, the hotel will obtain a list of channel product types, operation path direct connection management → room type matching → product matching.


Then set the room type, house price plan, breakfast, price adjustment mode and price adjustment rules according to the CM product matching rules.


Once all products have been matched, click "Submit Review"


After the submission, the status changes to “Submitted for Operational Review”. At this time, the product operation Gu Ting needs to be contacted for assistance and approval. After the product operation approval is passed, the product is directly connected.


Note: The approval result needs to be checked in time. If the product operation approval is rejected, the reason for the rejection will be prompted at the channel product name. After the product is perfected according to the requirements, the review can be resubmitted.

三.How to maintain the price room?

(一) Agoda product prices and inventory can be set in the direct connection price setting and direct connection room setting interface respectively.

(二)  Direct room rate setting                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

1.     Generally, the house price is set to automatic price adjustment. If you need to adjust the price of all direct channels, go to “Settings” → “House Price Management” → “House Price Adjustment” to adjust the base price of the corresponding room type.


2.     If you need to adjust the price of Agoda products separately, you can adjust the price of Agoda products separately in CM-direct price management.


3.     If the hotel has a surcharge set at Agoda, a surcharge will be shown in Agoda's local order details. There are several surcharges: surcharge, extra bed fee, cancellation fee, PMS will automatically bring in, corresponding to other consumption items, room rate - extra bed, room rate - missed appointment.



(3) Inventory management

Adjusting the room type channel inventory in the CM-direct connection room mode adjusts the room status or inventory of all the bundled channel products (same increase and decrease), and separately adjusts a channel product, which only affects the room state of the channel product or in stock. Agoda will contract the concept of retaining the house under the contract. If the store has signed a contract with Agoda to reserve the house, then the direct connection will obtain the remaining amount of the contract reserved room in the interface and drop it into the CM for display, but it cannot be modified. Therefore, on the page display, it will be different from other channels. “5(0)” stands for “channel inventory (contract reserved room)”.

What problems should I pay attention to in inventory maintenance?

1.    Agoda has the concept of a contract-reserved house. The PMS only displays it, but it cannot be modified. The direct connection will periodically synchronize the remaining number of Agoda reservations. If the channel stock is sold out, the contract reserve room is still available, and you need to contact Agoda to close it;

2. Agoda's inventory sales priority is the first sale channel shared inventory resale contract reserved room, please carefully add the store or it will be easy to explode.四.Agoda business specificity:

1.    The price passed to Agoda will be processed to round up.

2.    The stock sales priority is the first sale channel sharing resale contract reserved room, please pay attention to the hotel;

3.    Booking rules, cancellation rules, and check-in rules need to be maintained offline;

4.    The customer's phone number and email may be empty. At present, the guest's phone is processed to 86-0 by default in the PMS;

5.    Agoda will have the guest's rights and special requirements fields, directly connected to the remarks after the splicing, please pay attention to the hotel;

6.    One product of Agoda will have a single price and a double price. We will only pass a default price.
