Instruction of check-in after night audit

花小猪发表于:2019年02月18日 19:08:31更新于:2019年06月06日 12:38:26

What is night audit?

Night audit includes documents, statements and other materials. The purpose is effectively auditing the income which generated by the consumption of guests. To ensure that the hotel’s income on the day is true, correct, reasonable and legal.


According to the industry practice, the orders that have been checked in will be automatically night audit and calculated into the last business day's revenue. The automatic night audit time of Lvyue XPMS is 4am on the local time.

Hotel can not check in for guest after night audit. Therefore, how if guests check in after the night audit?

Case 1: guest only stay 1 night in hotel, hotel can click " check out" and charge one night room fee.

Case 2: guest stay more than 1 night, hotel still can "check in" . But room fees and room nights before the night audit will not be recorded to system. Hotel needs to manually add to system via "charge - room charge - day use".

For example, 

Guest make a booking from 3rd - 4th January. If guest comes to hotel and check in after 4am 4th, hotel can click "check out" and charge one night room fee.  Room fees and room nights will be counted into 4th.

If the booking time is from 3rd - 5th January, and guest comes to hotel and check in after 4am 4th, hotel can still click "check in".  But room fees and room nights before the night audit will not be recorded to system. Hotel needs to manually add 3rd's room fee and room night to system via "charge - room charge - day use". Also, room fees and room nights will be counted into 4th.

How if guest didn’t arrival when automatically night audit? 

1.     Guarantees & prepay: if guest does not cancel the order before the free cancellation time, hotel needs to keep the room for guest for the whole night.

(1) If it is a prepaid order, you can directly check-in for the guests before the night audit.

(2) If it is a guarantee order, you can check-in when guest arrives at the hotel. If the guests haven’t arrive yet, hotel can treat this order as NO SHOW.

2.     Pay at hotel: hotel can free to cancel the order for after the retention time. However, it is strongly recommended that hotel contacts the guest during the retention time. if the guest will check-in lately, hotel can require guest to pay for the room charge in advance.
