EPMS - Booking Direct Connection Operation Manual

花小猪发表于:2019年02月21日 17:35:25更新于:2019年04月23日 18:38:15

1. Preparatory work

According to Booking’s rule of direct connection, hotel needs to complete theChannel manager ” in backstage.

²Hotel can complete the authorization according to the procedures as below.

Open your BK backstage →channel managerCM)→ Start



²  Choose “channel manager”


²  Hotel sign the direct connection contract


²  Hotel will see “Status of the connection request: Waiting for provider confirmation”. After this step, you can click “I confirm the connection”


²  Hotel will receive an email from BK, you can click the link to complete the authority or login the BK backstage to do the authority.


²  XPMS → CM → Booking → Add Booking to new channel


1. After the authorization, how to binding the hotel and room type?

(1)   Set up local room and room price in configuration (only for new hotel and first time to do direct connection). 

(2)   Matching with the rooms and price


1. How to review the rooms and price?

The rule of inventory for Booking: you can modify the quantity and status of the all room type. Also one single room status and price can be modified separately.

(1)   One room type

XPMS → CM → Channel → Revise Room

You can modify room quantity and status in channel inventory.



(1)   Room price can be modified

XPMS → CM → Channel → Revise price

You can modify room rate in “revise price” page



1. Where can you find Booking direct connection order?

XPMS → OTA RS → Channel&OWS



1. Special procedures instructions

(1)             What if the credit card information is wrong in reservation? May result to hotel cannot charge from guest.

The hotel shall report invalid card number in XPMS → OTA RS → Booking → View → check local PMS bookings → report invalid card number


(2)             What if the guest is no-show?

Click “NO SHOW” botton. To avoid the commission or room rate loss, the no-show information should be reported to Booking within 48 hours of the date of check-in. If the guest orders is from June 18th to June 25th, the no-show feedback should be report to EPC before June 19th 23:59.


(3)             How to ask Channel to cancel the order?

In the event that there is no feedback of reporting wrong credit card information from channel or in other extreme cases, the hotel can cancel the order and report to Booking. This function is similar as rejecting channel order. In generally we do not advise that hotel uses this function.

