XPMS platinum version -"Transfer order" function instruction/XPMS致臻版转单功能介绍

花小猪发表于:2019年10月23日 15:22:00更新于:2023年11月17日 16:29:34


If the guest stays for 10 days and makes 10 orders (one order per day) on different OTAs, do you feel very broken? Because every day we have to check out the old order and check in the new order. The guest information and accounting information have to be manually moved to the new order. Is it too complicated to extend? Your Savior - "Transfer order" function is coming~

一 什么是转单?What is “Transfer order”?


Transfer order: there are today arrival orders (not checked in) for bookers or guests of in-house order . No matter what channel for both order are ,as long as the room type is the same, the "transfer order" button can be used to automatically check out the in-house order and automatically check in the today arrival order. The room number is the same as the original in-house order , so as to realize different orders (the in-house order and today arrival order) fast switching,and automatic transfer of the original in-house order guests information and self-balance to the new in-house order. Unfinished reminders and advance receipts will be automatically transferred to the new in-house  order, greatly simplifying the front desk operation.

二 转单需注意的事项 Notes for Transfer order

1.两个订单房型需一致/Room type should be same for two order

2.转单操作不可逆转/Transfer order operation cannot be undo

3.AR账自动平账/AR payment will be balanced automatically

4.自付平账余额转账到新单/Self-balance will be transferred to new order

5.待办提醒自动转移到新单/Unfinished reminders will be transferred to new order

6.未完成预授权和押金转移到新单/Unfinished credit&deposit will be transferred to new order

7.预抵订单如果已分房会自动取消分房/Arrival order will be unassigned automatically

8.只有致臻版可用“转单”功能/“Transfer order” function is only for XPMS Platinum version

9.团房订单不支持转单/Group room order does not support Transfer order

10.预抵订单入住日期限当日/Arrival order C/I date is only for today

三 转单操作说明Operation instructions for Transfer order

转单标识/Transfer order label


Booker or guests for in-house order have today arrival order,yellow "order" word will be shown after name.


转单按钮/"Transfer order"button


Operation "transfer order" pops up all the orders of today arrival orders matched with the in-house order, and selects the specific order to transfer. If there is delay or early departure for in-house order, no charge will be charged by default.

