
PMS产品运营组发表于:2019年11月11日 15:08:04更新于:2019年11月13日 18:36:20

一、项目介绍(Project introduction)


In the background of group activities in this period, the registration module of "group activities" was mainly added. GDS channel operation can directly create activities targeted at a certain channel and send them to stores, where stores can sign up. The exposure rate of stores in channels is increased to improve the occupancy rate.The registration entry of regular activities was integrated to make the page clearer. The registration activities of stores were collected from the group dimension, and the group was taken as the unified export. After the review of merchant operation, the activities were distributed to various channels.The original "activity configuration" page, registration entry has been hidden, but the previous registration history data are retained, to stop the end of the activity. After the project is launched, new registration data will be displayed in the list of registered activities.

二、执行时间(Execution time)


It is expected to start on November 12.

三、本期支持的渠道及活动(Channels and activities supported in this period)

1.     本期支持的活动渠道 IDS-携程、旅悦通

This period supports the activity channel IDS- ctrip,Lvyuetong.

2.     本期渠道支持的常规活动如下:

Regular activities supported by channels in this period are as follows:


IDS- ctrip: In the original "early bird special" "even live preferential" activities on the basis of this increase "every day special", the activity in the way of discount promotion.


Lvyuetong: Only for the travel yue tong do "special promotion" "remain unchanged, while the general" early bird special "" even the discount" also remain unchanged.

3.     本期渠道支持的集团运营创建的活动,目前集团活动运营还未下发任何活动,敬请期待哦~

The activities created by the group operation supported by the channel in this period have not been issued yet. Please look forward to it.

四、系统页面如下图所示(The system page is shown below)

1.常规活动报名页面(Regular activity registration page)




Group activity registration page (the following picture shows existing activities for testing)




