收益系统功能升级公告20191210 RMS function upgrade

花小猪发表于:2019年12月12日 15:25:34更新于:2019年12月12日 16:05:18


The annual performance target budget has been opened again. In order to meet the needs raised by everyone in the use process, the budget management function has been improved. At the same time, for the functions such as Event and SmartPrice, the needs raised by everyone in the use process, this time Partial upgrades have also been carried out. The specific upgrade contents are as follows:

一,预算管理功能升级Upgrade of budget management function

1. 可售房量编辑功能Inventory modify function


The hotel's annual inventory can be edited. When the budget is opened, the monthly inventory will be initialized according to the current total rooms (monthly inventory = total rooms * monthly days). However, for stores under construction (rooms can be sold in batches), it is supported to modify the monthly inventory.


2. CRS预算目标启动支持人工重启 CRS budget target start support manual restart


After the budget target review has been archived, if you need to modify it, you need to apply for approval by email. After approval, you need to restart by technical means. Manual restart is now supported. After the email is approved, it can be restarted directly by group revenue manager

二,事件新增影响类型属性Events add impact type

影响类型:正面、负面Comment rating definition


The types of impact of the events are divided into positive and negative; positive impact refers to the promotion of Occ%, such as exhibitions and celebrations; negative impact refers to the obstruction ofOcc%, such as extreme weather.Adding impact type can provide intuitive guidance for setting price adjustment tasks, and it also has important reference value for the weighting of intelligent pricing influence factors.


三,智能调价新功能SmartPrice new feature

1. 新增调价任务初始化支持人工设置Comment rating support screening


When adding a price adjustment task, whether to adjust the base price corresponding to the number of days that meet the price adjustment conditions within the monitoring date can be set by the store.


2. 新增调价任务可设置不参与时间Comment rating support screening


If the price adjustment task is not expected to be performed on the weekend, you can block it by setting the time of non-participation. At the same time, you can also set the time of the business day or a day to not participate in the price adjustment task;Or if you want to set the price adjustment task, the weekday increase is different from the weekend increase, you can also set up the time of non-participation.



More details for revenue functions:
