关于房价及房价计划 Room rate and rate plan

花小猪发表于:2020年01月17日 11:24:15

1. 设置默认基础价Setting base price

房型房间创建好后,接着需要打开‘房价设置->默认基础价设置’,点击每个房型右侧的“修改默认价格”按钮设置房型的基础价,可以选择给房型设置平日价和浮动价生效日期,并设置相应的平日价和浮动价具体金额,建议设置门店的旺季价格。  (该默认基础价仅用于首次新增房型后生成365天价格和后续每天向直连渠道推送第366天价格时使用)。

After room type and room was created, “room price - >Base price”. Click each room type on the right side of the "Modify default price" button to set the basis price. Please set effective date and price for weekday price and floating price to each room type. We suggest set peak season’s price.(the base price is only used for generating the 365-day price after the first new room type and pushing the 366-day price to the direct connection channel every subsequent day).



2. 设置好房型基础价就可以到“房价调整”页面去设置房型基础价的价格日历了。

Please come to "Adjust price" page and set the base price in the price calendar after fininshed base price setting.

3. 房价计划管理 Rate plan


The rate plan is a concept in Lvyue CM system. The rate plan can be regarded as a price system of the hotel. Luyue XPMS has 4 built-in price systems (retail price(RO), retail price(1 pax), retail price(2 pax), free). When adding a new rate plan, hotel must choose 5 price plans issued by the group (retail price,  OTA price, agreement price, employee, owner). To set up a rate plan for multiple channels, group recommends that only two sets of standard price plans be established: 5% off in rate plan for the main channels (channels that do not compete with the main channel, such as Ctrip, B & B channels, etc.), and the price plan of secondary channels (95% -200%, channels that compete with the main channel, such as booking, etc.)



 If there are special price adjustment modes, rules and channels that need to be modified, staff can click the "modify" to adjust or click the "new rate plan" to add new room price. The manually rate plan can be modified and deleted. Also all the changes will be saved simultaneously once the rate plan has been modified.


4. 房型房价关联Room & Rate



Room & Rate is associating with existing room type and existing rate plan. Each room type will be automatically associated with ratail price(RO) by default. Other rate plans need to be configured manually.  After this step, all the price allocation has been completed.

Room price->room &rate, click “new room & rate”



5. 房价调整Adjust price


The price adjust page shows the base price calendar and the rate calendar for the rate plan for all rooms. If you need to adjust the base price on a specified date, you can choose the date from the calendar to do the price adjustment. The rate plan of automatic price adjustment can only associate with the basic price. Once the basic price has been adjusted, the relevant rate plans will be adjust automatically. Be sure to configure the real price for one year. Once the direct connection is completed, the price will be displayed on external network.

