How to open the access of XPMS purchase management?

花小猪Created at:Feb 01, 2019 18:20:36Updated at:Feb 21, 2019 18:17:59

1.      For the first time of using purchase management, the hotel purchasing leader must open the XPMS access.

Hotel purchasing leaders who have not opened XPMS access yet, please contact to open the access.

2.      Open the .purchasing management access

Please send request to Lvyue purchasing center: to open your access.

The request email must include:

-          Hotel name

-          Hotel purchasing leader’s name(hotel manager or owner)

-          XPMS registered phone number

-          Hotel received address

-          Hotel purchasing leader’s email address

**Note: Only Matress and Linen can be purchased by hotel in outside of China so far.


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