How to delete rate plan?

PMS产品运营组Created at:Mar 07, 2019 19:50:51

There are 5 room plans in system by default which satisfy the basic needs of daily operation. We are not recommend that hotels create too much rate plans, because those rate plan may confused hotel staff. Therefore, how to delete rate plan?

1.    XPMS – CM – Channel – channel config – matching - Unbundling the product


2.    XPMS – configuration – room price – room&rate – delete all rate plans for this room type. If it cannot be delete after you complete above steps. This means the rate plan has been using for one order. Hotel needs to cancel the order or check-out first.


3.    After you complete above 2 steps, rate plan can be deleted from: Configuration – EPMS setting – rate plan – delete the rate plan.


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