20191017XPMS报表改版-新运营报表升级公告/XPMS Report revision - new operational report Upgrade Notification

花小猪Created at:Oct 18, 2019 13:06:38Updated at:Oct 18, 2019 19:44:05



The new operation report was launched on September 26, 2019, and a detailed report of each room fee was added to facilitate operation department accurate of room revenue. At the same time, statistical dimensions such as overnight room, net rms, overnight occupancy rate, and net occupancy rate were added to help everyone accurately locate the sale details of hotel.

一. 什么是过夜房,净房数?What is Overnight Rooms、Net Rms?


Overnight rooms: the number of rooms stays when the night audit is running, does not include the room C/I & C/O in the same day and the history in-house room (the date of departure of in-house order is the history date).


Net Rms:The number of overnight rooms which are not including room channel of complimentary and houseuse.

二. 新报表有哪些特色?What are the features of the new report?


Price and tax break down



Manager flash: new net year-on-year



Room fees detail and other charges detail


三. 新增报表说明New report description

  • G1收入日报表:运营收入日报表,包含经营指标数据(总房数、锁房数、维修房、可售房、免费房、自用房、过夜房数、过夜出租率、已售间夜、出租率、ADR、Revpar)和经营收入数据(房费收入、餐饮收入、商品收入、其他收入)

    G1 Daily Income Report: Daily Income report for operation department, including business indicator data (total rooms, OOO, OOS, Avail. Inventory, Compli., HouseUse, overnight rooms, overnight OCC%, Rms, OCC%, ADR, Revpar) and operating income data (room fee income, F&B income, commodity income, other income)

  • 房费报表:各种房费项目的汇总和明细(夜审房费、日租房费、钟点房费、加收房费)

    Room Revenue Report:Summary and details of various room rates (room charge, day use, hourly room, extra room fee)

  • 夜审房费报表:专指夜审房费订单汇总和明细

    Room Charge Report:Specifically refers to the order summary and details of night audit room charge

  • 日租房报表:专指半日租、全日租房费订单汇总和明细

    Day Use Report:Specifically refers to the half-day use, full-day use order summary and details

  • 钟点房报表:专指钟点房费订单汇总和明细

    Hour Use Report:Specifically refers to hourly-use order summary and details

  • 加收房费报表:专指提前离店、失约未到、取消房费、延迟退房、加人加床、升级房费、提前入住的订单汇总和明细

    Extra Room Fee Report:Specifically refers to Early departure、Noshow、Cancellation fee、Late checkout、Extra pax/bed、 Upgrade fee、Early checkin order summary and details

  • 零房费报表:除了统计免费房、自用房订单外,其他渠道房价为0的所有订单汇总和明细

    Comp.&HU Report:In addition to the statistics of Comp.&HU rooms, all order of other channels which room price is 0 summary and details

  • 其他收入报表:统计除房费、餐饮、小商品以外的其他消费汇总和明细

    Other Income Report:Statistical other consumer summary and details in addition to the room rate, food and beverage, commodity

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