XPMS系统推出“住客信息录入规范、预订规范、夜审订单处理规范”功能 XPMS is going to launch “Standard of inputting guest information, Standard of making reservation, Standard of order processing for night audit“function

花小猪Created at:Nov 06, 2019 11:37:07Updated at:Nov 06, 2019 20:04:33


In order to implement Lvyue group standardization of operation, XPMS add Standard input of guest information, Standard of making reservation, Standard of order processing for night audit. More detail as below. Please kindly noted prepare in advance.

涉及对象Refer to旅悦集团直营、加盟、合营门店 Lvyue group Direct properties, joint properties, franchised properties

执行时间间Execution time:


【First stage】Expected 2019.11.7  start execution


【Second stage】Expected 2019.11.14  start execution

第一阶段First stage

【住客信息录入规范Standard input of guest information】

  • XPMS系统办理入住页面要求住客信息(必填项*):证件类型,证件号,国籍,性别。

    XPMS system check-in page require guest information(Mandatory fields*): ID Type, ID number, nationality, gender.

  • XPMS系统以证件类型+证件号作为唯一标识,要求同一人在同一酒店同时只能入住一间房,不可一人入住多间。

    XPMS system take the ID type + ID number as the unique identification. Require the same person only can stay in one room in a same hotel. The same person is not allow check-in more the one room.

【预订规范Standard of making reservation】


All orders have to input to system on time, also the historical date of order cannot be adding in system. For back tracking order, there are only current date and future date can be chose when hotel add“Day use”“No show”etc..  Also, all revenue will count in the date of operation and the historical date of revenue cannot be modified.


【第二阶段Second stage】

【夜审规范Standard of night audit


Night audit of abnormal order including: due out(day use room, Hourly room), OOO/OOS on due, due in;

  • 夜审前,前台操作人员需按照集团规范,确认处理各状态订单;

    Before night audit, receptionist needs to check and confirm abnormal order according to According to group requirements;

  • 夜审时,系统会根据不同的订单自动进行处理,延续订单状态;

    During night audit, XPMS system will automatically process abnormal order according to different situation.


In order to minimum of abnormal order, system will compulsive remind staff to process abnormal order before night audit at 18:00, 20:00, 22:00 and 24:00 local time.


【预离未离规范Standard of due out】


Due-out order: hotel needs to extend stay or check out.


If hotel did not do anything for these orders, system will automatically do the following process:

  • 夜审时,所有日租房订单,包括渠道订单、门店订单,系统会自动操作续住,房价计划:门市价(不含早);早餐类型:无早;产生自付夜审房费;

    During night audit, system will automatically extend stay for all day use rooms (including the orders from online/offline channel or contracted channel).  Rate plan: Retail Price (RO); breakfast type: none; night audit room charge: self room charge;

  • 夜审时,小时房订单,系统会自动续住为全日租,房价计划:门市价(不含早),早餐类型:无早,产生自付夜审房费;

    During night audit, system will automatically extend stay for all hourly room as day use room. Rate plan: Retail Price(RO); breakfast type: none; night audit room charge: self room charge;


【锁房/维修规范Standard of Lock room(OOO)/Maintenance room(OOS)


For OOO, before night audit receptionist needs to unlock the OOO or add new OOO according to actual situation and avoid guest check in OOO/OOS room.


If hotel did not do anything for these orders, system will automatically do the following process:

  • 夜审时,锁房/维修房间系统会自动延续,锁房房间需人工操作解锁才可取消锁房。

    During night audit, OOO/OOS room will automatically extend to next day by system if hotel staff did not relieve the OOO/OOS. Also, OOO room need unlock by hotel side, otherwise the room status will leave like they are.

  • 维修房可以办理入住,锁房房间不可以办理入住。

    Hotel staff still can check-in OOS room, but not for OOO room.

  • 如果锁房的房间,次日存在待入住的订单,系统会自动取消分房,然后再自动延续锁房;

    If there are expected arrivals for next day of lock room, the order will be cancel allocated by system and extend OOO for next day if staff didnot unlock the room.


【预抵未抵规范Standard of due in】


Due-in order: befoer night audit hotel needs to cancel, no show or check in the order.


If hotel did not do anything for these orders, system will automatically do the following process:

  • 夜审时, 预抵未抵现付订单系统会自动置为取消预订,不收费;

    During night audit, due in order with pay at hotel will be automatically cancelled and no charge by system;

  • 夜审时,预抵未抵预付订单系统会自动办理入住,入住人姓名为NOSHOW,系统自动增加一晚AR房费(如订单未分房,系统会自动分房,如果该房型满房,则按照房号顺序选择第一个空房做分房,不限房型);

    During the night audit, due in order with prepay will be automatically checked-in by system. Check-in guest name: NO SHOW; system will automatically add AR room charge (system will automatically allocate the room if it is unallocated status; system will allocate the vacant room according to the order of room number if that room type is full and no limitation of room type)

  • 夜审时,预抵未抵线上渠道担保订单系统会自动办理入住,入住人姓名为NOSHOW,系统增加自付房费,如果是直连订单,系统会向渠道回传【预订未到】的状态,确保担保款不被渠道释放(如订单未分房,系统会自动分房,如果该房型满房,则按照房号顺序选择第一个空房做分房,不限房型);

    During night audit, due in order with guarantee and online channel will be automatically checked-in by system. Check-in guest name: NO SHOW; system will automatically add self room charge. For direct connect order, system will pass 【no show】status to channel, so that deposit will not be released by channel (system will automatically allocate the room if it is unallocated status; system will allocate the vacant room according to the order of room number if that room type is full and no limitation of room type)

  • 夜审时,预抵未抵非线上渠道(如门店协议、旅行社等)担保订单系统会自动置为失约未到,不收费;

    During night audit, due in order with guarantee and offline channel (contracted, travel agency etc.)  will be automatically no show and no charge by system.

  • 夜审时,如酒店无空房,预付/担保订单系统会自动置为失约未到,不收费。

    During night audit, prepay/guarantee order will be automatically no show and no charge by system if hotel is full house.


【历史数据处理Historical data processing】


Before start to execute standard of night audit, please make sure all properties process all abnormal orders.


Unprocessed abnormal orders will be processed by system according to order status when standard of night audit online.

1.     预离未离数据due out:

a.     预离日期小于“夜审规范上线日”,办理离店,不平账退房

Exp. Departure date <“standard of night audit online date”, check out, non-balance bill

b.    预离日期等于“夜审规范上线日”,按规则操作续住

Exp. Departure date =“standard of night audit online date”, extend stay as per rule

c.     预离日期大于“夜审规范上线日”,正常订单不处理

Exp. Departure date >“standard of night audit online date”, normal order, bypassed


2.     锁房/维修数据 OOO/OOS:

a.     锁房/维修结束日期小于“夜审规范上线日”,不处理保持停留状态;

Lock room and Maintenance room finish date <“standard of night audit online date”, bypassed

b.    锁房/维修结束日期等于“夜审规范上线日”,按上述锁房/维修规则操作;

Lock room and Maintenance room finish date =“standard of night audit online date”, as per OOO/OOS process

c.     锁房/维修结束日期大于“夜审规范上线日”,正常状态不处理。

Lock room and Maintenance room >“standard of night audit online date”, normal order, bypassed


3.     小时房订单hourly room:

a.     小时房预离日期小于“夜审规范上线日”,操作不平账离店

Hour room Exp. Departure date < “standard of night audit online date”, check out, non-balance bill

b.    小时房预离日期等于“夜审规范上线日”,自动转为日租房。

Hour room Exp. Departure date =“standard of night audit online date”, extend to day use room


4.     预抵未抵订单数据:跨营业日的订单直接做NoShow,不改变入离日期。

Due in data: cross-business day’s order will process to no show, no change of date of check in/check out.

a.     预离日期小于“夜审规范上线日”,历史订单:直接操作失约未到,不收费;

Exp. Departure date <“standard of night audit online date”, historical order: no show, no charge

b.    预抵日期等于“夜审规范上线日”,当前订单:按照上述预抵未抵规范处理订单;

Exp. Arrival date =“standard of night audit online date”, current order: as per above standard of due in

c.     预抵日期小于“夜审规范上线日”,预离日期大于上线日,未入住历史订单:直接处理为失约未到;

Exp. Arrival date <“standard of night audit online date”, Exp. Departure date >“standard of night audit online date”, historical due in order: no show

d.    预抵日期大于“夜审规范上线日”,未入住订单:正常状态不处理。

Exp. Arrival date >“standard of night audit online date”, due in order: normal order, bypassed

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