集团运营标准化 - 房型&房价标准化项目上线公告 Lvyue group standardization of operation - standard room type & standard room price online notification

花小猪Created at:Dec 06, 2019 16:41:10Updated at:Jan 07, 2020 16:39:05


The group price standardization project is online. In order to accelerate the group chain process, improve the management efficiency of the group, and standardize hotel operations and price standards, all hotels in the group will implement a group price standardization.

一,项目介绍 Background




Group price standardization is divided into two parts: room type standardization and house price standardization.

Standardization of room types: Establish a standard room type library of the Group and issue them to the Lvyue Group hotels. Based on the standard room type library, it adapts to mid-end brand hotels and issues physical room type names and physical room type codes.

Standardization of prices: Establish a standardized price system for the group, and uniformly issue price formulas for Lvyue Group hotels. And meet the hotel's needs for differentiated operation of OTA channels.

二,项目意义Project significance



The standardization of room types aims to standardize the types of rooms sold by the Group's brand hotels on the Internet to enhance their brand image and establish operational control standards.

The standardization of house prices aims to ensure the Group's price output standards, ensure the consistency of hotel sales prices in various channels, avoid direct price channel inversion, and provide customers with better price perception.

(一)集团房型标准化 Standard room type

  1. 1. 房型标准化说明 instruction of standard room type

  1. (1)标准房型库 standard room type collection


  2. The standard room type library is issued by the group uniformly, and benchmarking with the OTA channel standard room type library is the basis of the physical room type. When a hotel creates a new physical room type, the standard room type must be specified. The standard room type cannot be added, modified, or deleted. There are 15 room types in the standard room type library. The mid-end hotel division simply (including simply selected) and Wei Lai (including Bernard) brands, issued 4 types, Huazhu, Tan Cheng, BEU issued 15 room types.

    (2)物理房型库 Physical room type collection


  3. The physical room type is the room type sold by the hotel. According to the requirements of each brand BU, the mid-end hotel business department simply (including simply selected) and Wei Lai (including Bernard) brands. The physical room type is issued by the group and selected by the hotel. Add, modify, and delete.

  4. 2.  中端酒店事业部特殊说明Special instructions for mid-range hotel division


  5. Mid-end hotel business department simply (including simply selected), Wei Lai (including Bernard) brand preferential room series, that is, superior double bed room and superior twin room, are the real physical rooms of the hotel, only for Huazhu travel Selling through direct sales channels.

  6. 3. 实施时间Implementation time


  7. Room standardization All shotel will be executed simultaneously on December 6, 2019.

(二)集团价格标准化 Standard room price


The group price standardization aims to ensure the group's price output standards, ensure the consistency of the hotel's sales prices in various channels, prevent price inversion, and provide customers with better price perception.

1. 价格体系基本公式 Basic formula of price system


Selling price = base price * discount rate + breakfast price * number of breakfast, the amount of breakfast does not participate in discount.

2. 各渠道价格规范Price specifications for each channel


3. 价格计划和渠道来源将由系统自动下发。门店可以选择使用,不可新增、修改、删除。集团价格标准化上线后,门店各渠道的价格基于集团下发的价格公式及基础价进行联动。


Rate plans and channel sources will be automatically issued by the system. Hotels can choose to use, not add, modify, delete. After the standardization of the Group's price, the price of each channel in the hotel is linked based on the price formula issued by the Group and the base price.

4. 实施时间 Implementation time:


The standardization of house prices will begin on December 6, 2019, and the stores will be implemented in batches by Business Operation team.

(三)系统介绍system introduction

(一)房型的新增与修改 New and modified room types

  1. 花筑、檀程、BEU门店需选择集团下发的标准房型。

  2. Floral, Arual and BEU hotels need to choose standard room types issued by the group.


  3. 索性(含索性精选)、蔚徕(含柏纳)品牌门店,需选择标准房型库、物理房型名称,物理房型编码。历史房型不能修改为集团新下发地优享大床房和优享双床房。

  4. Sucha (including selected), Vyluk (including Bernard) brand hotels, you need to choose standard room type collection, physical room type name, physical room type code. The historical room type cannot be changed to the Group's new release of the Superior Double Room and Superior Twin Room.


(二)房价计划的新增与修改 Add and modify rate plan

1. 新增房价计划 add rate plan


To add a new rate plan, the hotel must choose to use the five types of rate plans issued by the group: Retail Price, OTA price, agreement price, employee, and owner. It cannot be added, modified, and deleted, and the number of breakfasts and corresponding Formula parameters, details are shown below.


门市价Retail Price


门店协议价agreement price


门店OTA价 OTA price


员工价employee price 


业主价owner price


2.修改房价计划Modify the rate plan

(1) 修改历史房价计划Modification of Historical rate Plan the amount.


On the XPMS-System Configuration-Rate Setting-Rate Plan Management page, click the Modify button and follow the system prompts to complete the historical rate plan and switch to the standardized rate plan.


(2) 标准化房价计划公式、绑定渠道修改说明Modification of the new standardized rate plan


The standardized rate plan, the house rate plan generated by the rate plan "Retail Price, agreement price, employee , owner " does not support modification of formulas and channels. The rate plan generated by "OTA price" can be used to modify the discount rate, increase the amount and channel.


3. XPMS-系统配置-房价设置-房价调整页面,房价计划的价格将由系统联动生成。BEU品牌门店除外。

XPMS-System Configuration-House Price Setting-House Price Adjustment page, the price of rate plan will be generated by the system linkage. Except for BEU brand hotel.


4. XPMS-EPMS-CM-直连房价设置页面,渠道产品的价格将由房价计划联动生成。BEU品牌门店除外。

XPMS-EPMS-CM- Directly connected to the price setting page, the price of channel products will be generated by the rate plan linkage. Except for BEU brand hotel.


5. XPMS APP直连调价,门店可修改基础价格,渠道产品价格由房价计划联动。BEU品牌门店除外。

XPMS APP directly adjusts prices, hotel can modify the basic price, and channel product prices are linked by the rate plan. Except for BEU brand hotel.


(三)CM-直连房配置-房型匹配-产品价格配置说明CM-Direct Connecting Room Configuration-Room Type Matching-Product Price Configuration Instructions

  1. 门店切换为房价标准化门店后,产品价格配置定价规则不能再修改。

  2. After the hotel is switched to a hotel with standardized housing prices, the product price allocation pricing rules cannot be modified.


  3. 门店切换为房价标准化门店后,产品价格配置绑定的房价计划切换为标准化房价计划后,产品价格配置定价规则将联动房价计划。

  4. After the hotel is switched to a standardized house price hotel, the product price allocation pricing rule will be linked to the rate plan after the rate plan bound by the product price configuration is switched to the standardized rate plan.


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