As a grasp of properties to increase revenue, understand public sentiment, and market dynamics,Smart+ has officially moved to the revenue system(RMS) since 14th November~
1. 舆情探探 Opinion insight
A. 如何新增监控渠道How to add monitoring channel:
Please add monitoring channels before using this function, as follows:
Access: RMS - Smart+ - opinion insight - channel
Select the online OTA channel (Ctrip, Qunar, Elong, Booking, Tujia) and enter the corresponding channel homepage URL and confirm. PS.after the channel binding is completed, the competition data will take effect at 15:00 the next day.
Channels' EBK accounts and password if for more accurately to obtain the performance of the hotel on the channel and market dynamics (urban business circle, competition circle dynamic)
B. 如何取消监控渠道How to cancel channel monitor:
Access: RMS - Smart+ - opinion insight - channel
C. 评论分级定义 Definition of comment attribute
In order to be consistent with the group requirements, the channel comment scores are uniformly graded as below:
【满分好评full score】:5.0-or 10.0
【好评excellent review】:4.5~4.9 or 9~9.9
【中评medium review】:4.0~4.4 or 8~8.9
【差评bad review】:below 3.9 or below 9
2. 城市和商圈CBD
A. 市场热度预测Market Heat Forecast
Add market heat forecast displays for CBD in next two weeks to help hotels understand traffic conditions in CBD in real time.
(Note: Hotels need to set up Ctrip extranet account in Opinion Insight)
B. 排名概况/Rank overview
Add the ranking of my hotel in CBD on Ctrip.com in the past 10 days and the next 20 days.
C.城市画像/City portrait
The city portrait data has been updated to October 2019. The query by BD has been added to display BD portraits. In addition to room nights and advance bookings days, ADR indicators have been added.
3. 竞争圈Competition
A. 如何添加竞对 How to add a competitor:
Access: XPMS - RMS - Smart+ - competition
"Add a competitor": This data can be sorted according to hotel matching, simultaneous view rate, and order conversion rate. Click "Follow" or "Unfollow" to maintain store competition data. There is filter by searching.
B. 如何对竞对排序How to sort the competitors:
Hotel can modify the sort after adding competitor
C. 如何操作房型匹配how to match room type:
在"我的竞争圈”列表中进行“房型匹配”操作,我的房型若无数据,请及时邮件联系:旅悦集团产品运营 lypmpo@lvyuetravel.com
Competitive hotel room types and this hotel room type can be correlated and matched to compare prices of similar room types. Stores can better understand their own price pros and cons and future price changes, and can better assist the intelligent price adjustment function to give more reasonable Room type price.
In the "My Competitor" list, perform the "room type matching" operation. If there is no data on my room type, please email: Lvyuetravel.com product operation lypmpo@lvyuetravel.com
After matching of room types, you can check the comparison of the lowest selling price between "My RT" and the matching room type of each competing hotel in "Room price comparisonn";
Also, "Loss Statistics"hotel can add directly to check my customers' hotels that have a high order conver in other hotels as my competitive hotel.
D. 我的竞争圈/My competitors
Competitor update is more convenient. Follow, unfollow, and sorting can all be selected by the store.
Competitive room types support matching with hotel own room types, so that the room price can be compared
E.房型价格趋势/Room price trends
Add price monitoring for hotel rooms of competing hotels to show the selling price of each room type of competing hotels within 60 days
F. 房型价格对比/Room price comparison
Add the monitoring and comparison of the lowest selling price of my hotel room type and competing hotel matching room types, showing the selling price and comparison of each room type in the next 60 days.
(Note: Matching room types of corresponding hotels in the competition circle must be completed for comparison results to be presented)
G. 竞争圈调价趋势/Competition price adjustment trend
Monitor the online price adjustment of Ctrip's extranet competition circle hotels so that hotel can make price adjustment strategies in a timely
(Note: The hotels in the competition circle are pre-set competitive hotels in Ctrip's extranet)
H. 流失统计和流失访客去向/Loss Statistics&Lost visitors whereabouts
Real-time monitoring of the lost of orders that have been viewed by my hotel in the past 7 days and finally booked other hotels, and monitor the whereabouts of the lost visitors in order to accurately locate the competing hotels.
(Note: The traffic is Ctrip data)
4. 客群分析Customer analysis
Cancel analysis: Cancel the single data overview, Elimination of night channel source analysis,Customer cancels the night trend.