GDS直连配置GDS connetion instruction

花小猪Created at:Jan 17, 2020 12:34:53


Lvyue GDS group direct connectino function

一、什么是旅悦GDS what is Lvyue GDS?

旅悦GDS是旅悦集团的全球分销系统,通过集团强大的销售和技术能力全球分销,为酒店带来更多的订单。 主要包含旅悦通(商旅),花筑旅行(官网直销),旅悦IDS(集团OTA直连) 三大业务版块。

LVYUE GDS is the global distribution system of LVYUE Group, which distributes to the whole world through its powerful sales and technical ability, bringing more orders for hotels. Including three sections:LVYUE TONG (Business Travel), Floral Travel (Official Website), LVYUE IDS (Group Cooperation for OTA).

二、直连旅悦GDS为酒店带来了什么What will GDS bring to the hotel?


             It will expand more booking channels for hotels, provide more exposure and bring more orders.


            To further improve the efficiency of order taking, reduce manual operation and reduce the operating cost of hotels . 

三、如何完成旅悦GDS的直连How to apply for direct connection to Lvyue GDS

1. 首先需完善售卖信息(系统配置-->售卖信息),此处维护的售卖信息会作为GDS分销到各渠道的基础信息,官网信息也会同步从此处调用;

First of all, we need to complete the sales information(Configuration->Sales Information),this information will be used as the basic information for GDS distribution to all channels, also for Floral Travel.


2. 完成旅悦GDS直连(前台管理-->CM) ,即表示门店已经开通了GDS,开通之后旅悦将于基于《 旅悦酒店价格体系白皮书 》将酒店客房分销到GDS投放的各个渠道,请见附件;

Complete LVYUE GDS direct connection(EPMS→CM), LVYUE will distribute hotel rooms to all channels of GDS delivery based on the 

《White Paper of LVYUE Hotel Price System》.


3. 关联门市价至所有房型(房型房价关联)Match retail price to all room types(room&rate)


System will only associate the retail price (RO) with all room types by default. For example, if hotel needs to launch an early product on the GDS, it is necessary to add a corresponding price plan and associate the room price.

  • 如何投放不含早价格:门市价(不含早)系统自动关联所有房型、并直连GDS;

  • Room without breakfast price: retail price(RO) will match with all room types by default and direct connect to GDS;

  • 如何投放含单早/双早的价格:门市价(含单早)、门市价(含双早)为系统预置的房价计划,需要门店手动关联房型房价,然后系统自动直连GDS;

  • Room with 1&2 breakfast price: retail price(1 pax), retail price(2 pax) are preset rate plan. hotel needs to match with each room type manually, and system will automatically connect with GDS;

  • 如何投放三早及以上的价格:若门店提供三早、四早、五早产品,需手动新建门市价(含三早)、门市价(含四早)、门市价(含五早)房价计划,然后进行房型房价关联,然后系统自动直连GDS;

  • Room with 3 breakfast or more price: If hotel provides three breakfast, four breakfast, and five breakfast products, you need to manually create a retail price (3 pax), retail price (4 pax), and retail price (5 pax). hotel needs to match with each room type manually, and system will automatically connect with GDS;


PS,Only if the hotel is directly connected to the GDS, the IDS, official website(OWS) and Lvyue Tong will have this products for sale.

路径:系统配置 - 房价设置 - 房型房价关联

Path: configuration - room price - room&rate


Attachment:旅悦酒店价格体系白皮书V3.0.pdf • 866.55KB • Download

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