2020709XPMS升级公告Update notification

PMS产品运营组Created at:Jul 09, 2020 10:27:36Updated at:Apr 15, 2022 15:35:42


Function upgrade of BOSS catering sector

1.      满足餐饮客户2种场景:开台下单后撤销boss订单订单操作,boss订单状态为已取消;BOSS下单商品打印支持项目勾选;

Satisfy two scenarios for catering customers: cancel the boss order after the order is placed, the status of the boss order is cancelled; check the support item for BOSS order product printing;


2.      餐饮售卖报表查询增加营业部门多选 ;

The catering sales report query increases the number of business departments to choose;


3.      入账前和结账打印小票需要支持每个菜品项目名称前展示参与折扣比例;

Before entering the account and at the end of the checkout, it is necessary to support the display of the discount rate before the name of each dish item;


4.      已完成boss订单,新增发票维护功能和记录BOSS订单对客开票信息;

Boss orders have been completed, new invoice maintenance function and record of BOSS order billing information are added;



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