2020730XPMS升级公告Update notification(前台管理和数据报表)

PMS产品运营组Created at:Jul 30, 2020 18:15:07Updated at:Jul 30, 2020 18:21:18

1.     BOSS订单打印小票显示赠送商品份数;

BOSS order printing receipt shows the number of free products;

2.     早餐汇总报表支持读卡(仅支持爱迪尔品牌)和手工核销操作、新增用餐明细统计报表

The breakfast summary report supports card reading (Only supports ADEL brand) and manual write-off operations, and a new statistical report for meal details;



3.     BOSS订单结账时候收款支持混合支付方式;

The collection of BOSS orders at checkout supports mixed payment methods;


4.     前台打印登记单和账单样式优化;

Optimized the printing of registration form and bill style at the front desk;

5.     BOSS订单列表增加统计信息;

Added statistical information to BOSS order list;


6.     BOSS订单入账支持抹零功能;

BOSS order entry supports zero-wiping function;


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