
PMS产品运营组Created at:Aug 20, 2020 16:07:15Updated at:Aug 20, 2020 16:38:34

  1. BOSS订单支持联合订单支付、收款支持混合支付方式和入账抹零功能;

BOSS order supports joint order payment, collection supports mixed payment methods and the function of clearing the account;



2.新增转前台款项码,支持餐饮板块转客房的消费需由前台代收款,系统自动计入转前台并统计到对应的数据;Add a payment code for the transfer to the front desk, support the consumption of the catering sector to transfer to the room, the front desk will collect the payment, and the system will automatically count the transfer to the front desk and count the corresponding data;



 Add a entertainment  payment code to meet the requirements of the entertainment  statistics after the restaurant’s internal hospitality is free of charge;


4.新增餐饮BOSS汇总表;New catering BOSS summary report


5.销售员业绩报表数据维度据增加BOSS非客房消费订单数据,报表展示样式按照部门合计;Salesperson performance report data dimension is added BOSS non-room consumption order data, report display style is totaled according to department;


6.AR挂账汇总报表增加待核销金额和已核销金额统计,以及穿透到明细报表功能;The AR summary report adds statistics on the amount to be written off and the amount that has been written off, and penetrates to the detailed report function



Adjustment of discount information for printing receipts and ordering tables: combined display of the same product at the same price, logical adjustment of the 8CM receipt printing field (including remarks), increased room number display for guest room consumption, and real-time display of discount values at the ordering table;



Rich order processing makes it possible to change rooms according to room status;



The order list of the joint room is to be divided to show the room type;

image.png10.客房管家板块增加批量置脏置净操作;Modify room status in batches;


11.旅悦集团门店会员发展报表新增售卡提成数据字段;New sales commission data field added to the membership development report of Luyue Group hotels;



Other income reports, residents report and manager's daily report known issues fixed;


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